Exodus 29 — Thoughts

If God Is the God of Life, Why Does He Demand Death?

To understand this question, we must remember that any time we sin, we reject God — the God of life. That’s why Paul tells us that “the wages of sin” is death. When we sin, we invite death.

So God doesn’t demand death; we do.

In fact, God wants the opposite for us. That’s why He came into our world as Jesus, took our sin from us on the cross, and made it die with Him. God sacrificed Himself to save us from death. As Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life.”

When God tells the Israelites to kill animals in the Tabernacle, He gives them a symbol that points to our ultimate atoning sacrifice: Jesus.

So God doesn’t demand death. He invites us into life — and He embraced His own death to bring that life to us.

(Originally written July 19, 2022)


Exodus 30 — Sketch


Exodus 29 — Sketch